The Spanish Demo Site

The Spanish Pilot from Cuerva is located in the South of Spain, in the province of Granada.

A portion of the distribution network operated by Grupo CUERVA in the region of Granada will be used as the main electricity infrastructure to set the Spanish demo site.

La Calahhora

This area for the pilot will be the “La Calahorra” community, a small village located near Granada (Spain) this area counts with 650 supply points and a peak demand of 350 kW.

Also, some other types of services can be tested in the La Calahorra pilot, enabling also grid-scale control through storage technology and massive consumer’s participation or the provision of bottom-up energy services, i.e. from the distribution to the transmission system.

Considering the type of applications to be delivered in the SYNERGY project, the La Calahorra area is ideal for exploring microgrid related use cases or testing different early-stage approaches for distribution grid operation since a significant impact can be achieved only with low-capacity control and storage devices as well as with participant consumers.

Bonete PV Plant (COBRA)

The Spanish pilot from COBRA is located within the province of Albacete, in Centre Spain. The PV asset is composed of a set of plants, in one of which the pilot will be carried out. Bonete IV PV plant is already operating and was designed for using monofacial si-based modules resting on single-axis trackers. The number of modules for Bonete IV raises up to 144.900, for a nominal power of 49.9 MW.

The aim of this pilot demo strives in different pillars: real photovoltaic plants with a diversity of locations, size and plant configurations offering wide potential resources of data in order to test the innovative services defined in the project, namely:

  • Developing machine learning algorithms in the photovoltaic energy sector focused on energy efficiency, enhancing assets reliability and production forecast in real-time to ensure the safe and effective operation of grids and the provision of innovative energy services (predictive maintenance tools).
  • Reducing LCoE and O&M Costs of PV technology through advanced analytics services.
  • Provision of enhanced Energy Management System’s Control Software to align the operation of the PV plants to the requirements of Smart Grids

The Spanish pilot from URBENER is comprised of business offices, medical and sports centres that are distributed across the Spanish territory.

The pilot will have a focus on:

  • Analysis of generation/demand and fine-grained forecasting services.
  • Personalisation of demand /flexibility profiles to optimize individualized purchase strategies in the energy market along with cost optimization in the retailer side.
  • Fine-grained flexibility forecasting in order to enable customers participation in explicit and implicit demand response market schemas.

Further reading