Synergy Building/District-level Analytics for Optimized Energy Performance Management Suite

The Building/ District-level Analytics for Optimized Energy Performance Management suite developed in SYNERGY (WP7) includes the following applications and tools. 

Advanced Renovation Decision Support 

The availability of near-real-time data on energy performance is opening new opportunities to optimize buildings’ energy efficiency and flexibility capabilities and to support the decision making and planning process of building renovation infrastructure investment. Existing tools can support retrofitting design and energy performance contracting. However, there are well-recognized shortcomings of these tools related to their usability, complexity, and ability to perform calculations based on the real-time energy performance of buildings. To address this gap, the Advanced Renovation Decision Support tool is developed in the SYNERGY project.   

Advanced Renovation Support

The Renovation Decision Support tool utilizes real-time, automatically collected history data of building energy consumption, occupants’ comfort profiles. The genetic algorithms are used to learn building parameters and building energy consumption baseline. In case the measured building energy consumption data is not available, the web-based GUI allows users to import the default building parameters. The user is supported with setting the renovation targets and the selection of renovation actions. The main outputs of the tool presented for the user are heating, hot water, cooling & electricity consumption for studied retrofitting actions. Additionally, payback time, investment costs, energy costs, and carbon footprint are calculated by reading country-level background data (Figure above). 

To learn more about this tool, refer to the article titled “Decision Support Tool to Enable Real-Time Data-Driven Building Energy Retrofitting Design” by Piira, K.; Kantorovitch, J.; Kannari, L.; Piippo, J.; Vu Hoang, N., published in Energies in 2022, volume 15, page 5408. The article can be accessed at

Check the tool:

Urban Energy Monitoring and Planning Support  

An ambitious new strategy sets 2035 as the year when the city will be carbon-neutral, but how to ensure that along the way mobility is not hindered, energy security remains guaranteed and local economy will not suffer. The Urban Energy Monitoring and Planning Support application is developed to chart and compare different possible decision pathways and “what if” scenarios to recognize the optimal paths towards the realization of short-term and long-term objectives for energy efficiency and urban sustainability to meet SECAP targets. In comparison to existing simulation support, apart from energy aspects, system dynamics-based approach taken in SYNERGY can take into consideration the existing interdependencies among social, ecological, economic, and other subsystems and their indicators to support long-term planning. 

Urban Energy Monitoring and Planning Support

Set of developed system dynamics simulation models seeks to explain a selected energy efficiency related long-term development indicators as a function of area energy production and demand, PV installations and EV use. Furthermore, the causal theories for both PV installations and EV adoption processes feature non-linear drivers and various potential bottlenecks. Key indicators used for comparing the chosen interventions and assumptions are CO2 emissions and area energy positive index. The predicted energy consumption and energy production for the studied area is taken into the simulation models as a baseline estimates. 

A version of the application is accessible at 

Facility Management Energy Analytics, Self-consumption Optimization  & Predictive Maintenance Toolbox   

The Facility Management Monitoring Engine comprised of a highly effective set of features allows Facility Managers to get a deep and comprehensive understanding of the energy-related behaviour of the facilities under their responsibility, through the calculation and proper visualization of relevant metrics and KPIs.  

Group of buildings selection and optimization inputs

The developed services allow to design appropriate flexibility control strategies and interacting mechanisms at the building- and district levels in order to be able to maximize self-consumption and reduce energy costs without compromising occupants’ requirements for comfort at building level in presence of distributed renewable technology and storage solutions. Services are complemented with Predictive Maintenance features which facilitate predictive maintenance tasks for large energy HVAC systems installed in buildings. The toolset is based on the Digital Twin technology, and it provides neutral network (autoencoder/Feedforward) and energy signature- based malfunctions, inefficiencies, and optimization possibilities detection. 

Group of buildings – optimization results

To learn more about this tool check 

A version of the application is accessible at

enhanced Display Energy Certificates (eDECs) application 

The eDECs application delivers dynamic certificates of building energy performance in variant resolutions (e.g. annual, monthly, daily), for the building as a whole or per designated zone. It utilizes real-time field data of the building (consumption, production.), static building data and benchmark values and dynamically calculates the energy performance indicators associated with the Display Energy Performance certificate as per the adopted standards.

enhanced Display Energy Certificates

The application automatically retrieves as much input data as possible from the different datasets uploaded by the facility managers to the SYNERGY Platform (e.g. the time series of meter readings), thus minimizing the efforts required to introduce all required inputs to the benchmark models. Facility managers are able to add any missing piece of data (mainly static properties of the facilities under study) also directly to the eDECs application, by using the corresponding forms on the user interface. 

A version of the application is accessible at  

Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) application  

The SRI app delivers the “smart-readiness” assessment of a building by calculating the capability of the building to a) apply energy savings techniques b) respond to user needs and c) offer services to the grid. The tool utilizes static building data and benchmark values and calculates various indicators (disaggregated and building total) as per the SRI methodology published by the EU. 

Inputs’ Tab

The SRI assessment tool has been built by the EU in an excel based format and allows facility managers and building owners to perform their smart readiness assessment. Our tool adds-on to the existing ones by giving the users the flexibility to perform the smart readiness assessment of the building by either conducting the assessment from scratch or by using available information already uploaded in SYNERGY platform. The assessment is performed in a user-friendly online environment and, when using data uploaded in the platform, the time needed for the assessment is significantly reduced. 

Outputs’ Tab

A version of the application is accessible at 

In conclusion, The article discusses the Building/District-level Analytics for Optimized Energy Performance Management Suite developed under WP7 of the SYNERGY project. The suite comprises several energy applications: Advanced renovation support, Urban Energy Monitoring and Planning Support, Facility Management Energy Analytics, Self-Consumption Optimization & Predictive Maintenance and Real-time Building Energy Performance and Smart Readiness Certification. The article highlights the potential benefits of the SYNERGY tool suite in improving energy efficiency, reducing energy costs, contributing to climate change mitigation efforts, etc.

Read more about the SYNERGY Applications:

Energy as a Service Tool Suite: Flexibility Analytics and Consumer-Centric DR Optimization Application, and DR Smart Contract Monitoring, Handling, Settlement and Remuneration Platform Application

WP6 of SYNERGY project has developed a tool-suite targeting Electricity Retailers and Aggregators. This tool-suite is composed by four different but complementary applications aimed at enabling the full exploitation of the flexibility capacity, namely: 1) Portfolio Analytics and Management, 2) Personalized Energy Analytics; 3) Flexibility Analytics and Consumer-Centric DR Optimization, and 4) DR Smart Contract Monitoring, Handling, Settlement and Remuneration Platform. This article will elaborate on last two of these apps.

Flexibility Analytics and Consumer-Centric DR Optimization

The Flexibility Analytics and Consumer-Centric DR Optimization Application implements the necessary functionalities to allow DER aggregators to provide better and added value flexibility-related services. By analysing the flexibility potential of portfolio assets, the application facilitates the optimal placement of these assets in different Demand Side Management strategies as triggered by 3rd party electricity stakeholders requesting for ancillary services. 

Portfolio segmentation from the Flexibility Analytics and Consumer-Centric DR Optimization Application

Aggregator Portfolio Manager in charge of facilitating aggregators to continuously have a clear picture and management of their portfolio’s performance, in order to be able to deliver the required flexibility to network operators taking into account the flexibility characteristics of their customers. 

VPP enrolment in Demand Response Campaigns

VPP Configuration engine provides advanced Decision Support System (DSS) functionalities towards creating ad-hoc dynamic Virtual Power Plants (VPP) considering the type of service requested by the network operator and the flexibility characteristics of its underlying portfolio.

A version of the application is accessible at

DR Smart Contract Monitoring, Handling, Settlement and Remuneration Platform 

DR Smart Contract Monitoring, Handling, Settlement and Remuneration Platform implements all necessary functionalities to allow DER Aggregators and Flexible Asset Managers to come into a common marketplace and negotiate the enrolment of the flexibility assets in different flexibility services through a contractual process. Apart from the contractual part, the settlement and remuneration of the different flexible assets for their participation in the flexibility services is supported by this application.

Contractual Offer and Negotiation process 

This application consists of four different components:

The Flexibility Marketplace Search Engine to facilitate DER aggregators to search from a pool of flexibility assets with specific operational characteristics that fit their business objectives and needs.

The Flexibility Contracts Manager which manages the contractual process between DER aggregators and Flexible Asset Managers. The DER aggregators make a contractual offer to a flexibility asset manager specifying the terms and conditions for the asset enrolment which then can be accepted, declined or further renegotiated.

Contract Management from the DR Smart Contract Monitoring, Handling, Settlement and Remuneration Platform

The Flexibility Settlement & Remuneration Engine to enable fair settlement and remuneration of the flexibility assets for participation in flexibility services. The overall settlement and remuneration are performed on the basis of innovative energy baseline techniques further complemented by appropriate adjustment and normalization methods.

Last but not least, the role of the Blockchain Wallet is to act as the user registry and management layer to enable the end user’s interaction with the smart contract monitoring, handling, settlement and remuneration platform.

A version of the application is accessible at

In conclusion, the Energy as a Service Tool Suite developed under WP6 of the SYNERGY project provides advanced and personalised energy portfolio analytics and energy efficiency optimization techniques targeting electricity business stakeholders (Electricity Retailers and Aggregators) as well as active energy prosumers. The tool suite provides better and added value services to consumers and prosumers, enhanced information about energy usage habits centralized contractual services as well as providing portfolio flexibility details. The applications are provided as different services that are available in a web-based form.

Read more about the SYNERGY Applications:

Energy as a Service Tool Suite: Portfolio Analytics and Management Application and Personalized Energy Analytics Application

WP6 of SYNERGY project has developed a tool-suite targeting Electricity Retailers and Aggregators. This tool-suite is composed by four different but complementary applications aimed at enabling the full exploitation of the flexibility capacity, namely: 1) Portfolio Analytics and Management, 2) Personalized Energy Analytics; 3) Flexibility Analytics and Consumer-Centric DR Optimization, and 4) DR Smart Contract Monitoring, Handling, Settlement and Remuneration Platform. This article will elaborate on first two of these apps.

Portfolio Analytics and Management Application 

The Portfolio Analytics and Management Application implements necessary functions to enable retailers and aggregators to provide better and added value services. This application performs a detailed analysis based on the behaviour of a portfolio of customers. Target users gain useful insights to segment customers and enable new strategies to address the energy requirements of a determined portfolio. Dynamic price-based, Demand Side Management strategies, and optimal operation in short and long-term energy markets are examples of the functionalities provided.

Market positioning from the Portfolio Analytics and Management Application
Market positioning from the Portfolio Analytics and Management Application

The application consists of diverse components hereby described:

The Portfolio Pattern Forecasting Engine is responsible for identifying patterns in the behaviour towards consumers and forecasting energy use. This component provides predictive models that are used by other components of the application. 

The Customer Segmentation Engine performs sectorization based on different criteria such as energy-related behaviour patterns, socioeconomic profiles or elasticity-based information. This data is used to gain an understanding on the composition of the customers’ portfolio with respect to a variety of parameters. A set of further analytic-based services is provided to the customers allowing retailers to better position themselves in the various energy markets. 

Figure 2: PPA optimization from the Portfolio Analytics and Management Application
PPA optimization from the Portfolio Analytics and Management Application

The Wholesale Market Participation Decision Support System uses information provided by the Portfolio Pattern Forecasting Engine and The Customer segmentation Engine to enable dynamic price-based DSM strategies with the final objective of tackling and reducing penalties faced due to deviations in the participation of the energy markets. 

The Market Positioning Optimization Tool helps RES generation aggregators to estimate the optimum allocation of the forecasted production in the different short-term energy markets. 

The PPA Optimization Tool aids demand aggregators to estimate the optimal sizing of the generation power plant to reduce the price that an energy community would pay once the IRR of the project has been determined. 

A version of the application is accessible at

Personalized Energy Analytics Application 

Personalized Energy Analytics Application implements services to prosumers identified in the Portfolio Analytics and Management Application. On one hand, this application provides enhanced information about energy consumptions, and hints that encourage better behaviours towards more sustainable energy demand patterns. On the other hand, this module provides advanced services for the optimum operation of smart appliances so that a proper balance between comfort and energy-saving can be achieved. 

Personalized Energy Analytics Application
Personalized Energy Analytics Application

The application consists of two components: 

Personalized Energy Analytics Engine oversees obtaining, analysing and presenting to the customers insights of their energy-related behaviour, peer-comparison and energy and cost-saving tips. 

Smart Home Integration Engine component implements the functionalities to enable Intelligent control and automation features of Smart Home assets, towards facilitating sustainable and long-term energy behaviours, while reducing the intrusiveness of energy consumers. This component is the umbrella that communicates with the different assets at home and uploads all the monitored data to the SYNERGY platform. The data is merged with demanded data (obtained from the AMI of the corresponding retailer/aggregators) [US1] to build comfort-centric flexibility profiles for each combination of customers and assets. 

A version of the application is accessible at

In conclusion, the Energy as a Service Tool Suite developed under WP6 of the SYNERGY project comprises four applications, two of which have been explained in this article: Portfolio Analytics and Management, and Personalized Energy Analytics Applications.

Stay tuned for the next article on Flexibility Analytics and Consumer-Centric DR Optimization, and DR Smart Contract Monitoring, Handling, Settlement and Remuneration Platform Applications.

Read more about the SYNERGY Applications:

Asset Management Tool Suite: Advanced Performance Monitoring/Forecasting and Predictive Maintenance and Asset Management Optimization for Power Grids Applications

WP5 of SYNERGY project aims to develop Advanced Grid-level Analytics for Optimized Network and Asset Management Services and Applications, targeting network operators as well as DER aggregators and RES operators. The Asset Management Tool Suite is eventually delivered, which comprises four applications two of which will be explained in this article.

Advanced Performance Monitoring/Forecasting and Predictive Maintenance Application

The main aim of this innovative tool for the management of RES plants is ensuring their optimal operation, predictive maintenance and proactive avoidance of equipment faults. The tool steps on the forecasting and predictive analytics baseline algorithms and appropriate machine learning techniques towards identifying in real-time predictive maintenance needs, increasing PV technology reliability and efficiency and improving power trading functions on the plant operator side.

The app presents three main functionalities: 

  • The Enhanced Performance Monitor (EPM) module is similar of a control centre of the performance of a PV plant. 
  • The Fault Occurrence Inspector and Maintenance Optimizer (FOIMO) module aims to introduce new approaches for fault diagnosis and predictive maintenance of PV plants.
  • The Operational Scheduling Optimizer (OSO) is responsible for forecasting the energy production for different time horizons.

The application consists of two components:

The Network Performance Assessment Engine (NPAE) is responsible for the simulation of the operation of the network and assesses the state of the network in terms of performance, and power quality metrics. The assessment involves the evaluation of the electricity network steady state aspects using power flow calculations. Congestion issues and operational constraints, such as voltage violations, line/transformer over-loadings are considered in the assessment. The component involves the assessment of various operating conditions, incorporating the analysis of stochastic demand and generation profiles.


The app provides an efficient and centralized tool for monitoring, optimizing, and maintaining the performance of a PV plant. With the EPM module, operators can easily track and visualize the key production parameters and KPIs, which can help them quickly identify any issues or areas for improvement. The FOIMO module can help reduce downtime and maintenance costs by predicting and diagnosing faults before they occur. The OSO can help optimize energy production and scheduling, which can increase revenue and reduce operational costs. 

The app offers features such as centralized monitoring and visualization of key performance parameters, predictive maintenance capabilities, and energy production forecasting. By using the app, operators can quickly identify and correct issues, reduce downtime and maintenance costs, optimize energy production and scheduling, increase revenue, and support sustainability goals.

Next steps

The next steps for the app would be to collect and analyze new data to train and refine predictive models and seek feedback from stakeholders to identify additional KPIs. The emphasis should be on ongoing improvement and innovation, with a focus on providing a more accurate and useful tool for monitoring, optimizing, and maintaining the performance of PV plants.

One can access the app through the following link

Asset Management Optimization for Power Grids Application

The Asset Management Optimization for Power Grids Application implements different components that target the maintenance responsible operators of DSOs and TSOs, with the objective of providing different models that optimize the maintenance management by enriching the available data with the results of a number of analytics and forecasts.

Asset Management Optimization for Power Grids Application

The application consists of two components:

The Network Asset Health Estimator component will, based on the different measurements available for a given asset type, model the overall health score of each asset instance under maintenance, providing automated assistance in the evaluation of asset status by maintenance staff, and an additional indicator to properly prioritize the scheduled maintenance operations.

The Network Predictive Maintenance Manager component will provide models to forecast failures of assets, based on the flows of data monitored from those assets and by considering also the effect of cascading effects (i.e. how an asset can be indirectly affected by failures detected on other assets of the grid)

Asset Management Optimization for Power Grids Application

Next Steps

In order to be able to use the application, following configuration steps need to be taken for every new DSO/TSO that wishes to integrate with the application:

  • DSO and TSO are required to be registered as users of the SYNERGY Platform
  • DSO and TSO are required to configure the necessary data check-in jobs, so required datasets get accessible through the platform

A version of the application is accessible at

Four energy applications consisting the Asset Management tool suite have been presented (Check the article on Infrastructure Sizing and Grid Planning and Flexibility based Network Management and DSO-TSO Common Operational Scheduling Applications below).  The applications process grid data and measurements in order to perform critical power system functionalities, like optimal network planning, DSO/TSO coordination, performance monitoring and asset management optimization. The applications are provided as services to the different network operators and are available in a web-based form.

Read more about the SYNERGY Applications:

Asset Management Tool Suite: Infrastructure Sizing and Grid Planning and Flexibility based Network Management and DSO-TSO common operational scheduling Applications

WP5 of SYNERGY project aims to develop Advanced Grid-level Analytics for Optimized Network and Asset Management Services and Applications, targeting network operators as well as DER aggregators and RES operators. The Asset Management Tool Suite is eventually delivered, which comprises four applications.

Infrastructure Sizing and Grid Planning Application

The Infrastructure Sizing and Grid planning Application implements different features that target the operation and planning responsible operators of DSOs and TSOs, with the objective of providing valuable insights in terms of capacity and sizing requirements of network assets. The application utilizes available historical data and statistics such as expected next year forecasts of peak demand/generation data to create stochastic scenarios of demand and generation and perform power flow calculations to provide suggestions for optimal sizing and planning.  

Infrastructure Sizing and Grid Planning App

The application consists of two components:

The Network Performance Assessment Engine (NPAE) is responsible for the simulation of the operation of the network and assesses the state of the network in terms of performance, and power quality metrics. The assessment involves the evaluation of the electricity network steady state aspects using power flow calculations. Congestion issues and operational constraints, such as voltage violations, line/transformer over-loadings are considered in the assessment. The component involves the assessment of various operating conditions, incorporating the analysis of stochastic demand and generation profiles.

Infrastructure Sizing and Grid Planning App

The Network Assets Sizing Engine (NASE) is responsible for providing solutions regarding optimal planning and sizing of the network assets. Solutions shall involve optimal capacity for new substations and lines in case further reinforcements are needed, as well as optimal sizing of new demand connections or DERs.  The NASE is a complementary component to the NPAE, exploiting results such as reinforcement and flexibility needs to propose operational planning solutions in the mid-term (up to a month ahead) and in the long term (up to a year) for the provision of critical services such as congestion management in medium voltage distribution grids.

Next steps

In order to be able to use the application, following configuration steps need to be taken for every new DSO/TSO that wishes to integrate with the application:

  • DSO and TSO are required to be registered as users of the SYNERGY Platform
  • DSO and TSO are required to configure the necessary data check-in jobs, so required datasets get accessible through the platform

A version of the application is accessible at

Flexibility based Network Management and DSO-TSO Common Operational Scheduling Application

The Flexibility based Network Management and DSO-TSO common operational scheduling Application implements all necessary features to allow network operators to optimally and securely schedule the available resources including flexible demand for the intra-day and day ahead in a coordinated manner. By exploiting all available data, including the flexibility potential of aggregators’ portfolio, the application facilitates the optimal scheduling of the flexible assets by TSOs and DSOs who aim to request specific congestion management and balancing services.

Flexibility based Network Management and DSO-TSO Common Operational Scheduling App

The Flexibility-Based Network Manager is responsible for assisting network operators to perform their short-term planning activities by utilizing available flexibility. The manager involves the process of data ingestion regarding flexibility availability from flexibility providers, identification of aggregated flexibility in substation and feeders’ level, calculation of flexibility deficit periods and calculation of flexibility requirements for network operators to facilitate their short-term planning and needs for congestion management and balancing.

Flexibility based Network Management and DSO-TSO Common Operational Scheduling App

The DSO-TSO Common Operational Scheduler is responsible for providing a common interface for the DSO and the TSO to facilitate common operational scheduling, considering the flexibility requirements for both actors for congestion management needs, balancing needs and other relevant ancillary services.  The scheduler also proposes an appropriate coordination scheme clarifying the sequence of actions between the two operators and identifies the definite short term operational scheduling for both actors.

Next Steps

In order to be able to use the application, following configuration steps need to be taken for every new DSO/TSO that wishes to integrate with the application:

  • DSO and TSO are required to be registered as users of the SYNERGY Platform
  • DSO and TSO are required to configure the necessary data check-in jobs, so required datasets get accessible through the platform

A version of the application is accessible at

In conclusion, the Asset Management Tool Suite developed under WP5 of the SYNERGY project provides advanced grid-level analytics for optimized network and asset management services and applications. The suite comprises four applications, two of which have been explained in this article. These applications are two valuable tools for DSOs and TSOs to optimize their networks, assess network performance, and schedule resources efficiently. By utilizing available data, these applications provide valuable insights into network assets’ capacity and sizing requirements and facilitate optimal scheduling of flexible assets for congestion management and balancing needs. The applications require DSOs and TSOs to be registered as users of the SYNERGY platform and configure necessary data check-in jobs. Overall, these applications have the potential to improve the performance and efficiency of electricity networks significantly.

Stay tuned for the next article on Advanced Performance Monitoring/Forecasting and Predictive Maintenance and Asset Management Optimization for Power Grids Applications.